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Welcome to ID10TApps!

What is I D 1 0 T? When you look at the letters by themselves, they mean nothing special. When you connect them like this ‘ID10T’, they look like the word ‘idiot’ and mean something very different altogether. The ID10T error was a term coined by IT folks, especially corporate help-desk workers, where it’s used to describe an error that may be caused by a simple user confusion or a user being an ‘ID10T’.  It was a masking term.  If you said someone had and I D 10T error they were unlikely to put together what that meant.  To them it would just sound like a computer term.

ID10TApps is about how we got here.  Why are there so many ID10T’s in the world.  It is not something  that is unique to a certain country.  Where ever there are humans you will find ID10T’s.

This web site came about one day while driving around thinking about what ID10T’s are out there. The number is truly astonishing.  Being that I was driving around when the idea popped into my head.  Chances are that on of the ID10T’s was driving near me.  This site is our views and a collection of other sites devoted to the dumbness we are as humans.

We are ID10TApps and we hope you find the content useful and entertaining to help make you feel like less of an ID10T.  The truth is that at times we have all been ID10T’s.  So we might as well all laugh about it.